This module enables the candidate to understand the main concepts underlying digital images and to use an image editing application to enhance images, apply effects, and prepare an image for printing and publishing.
Understand the main concepts of using digital images; understand graphic format options and colour
concepts.Open an existing image; save an image in different formats; set image file options.
Use built-in options, such as displaying toolbars, palettes, to enhance productivity.
Capture and save an image; use various selection tools; manipulate images.
Create and use layers; work with text; use effects and filters; use drawing and painting tools.
Prepare images for printing or publishing.
Can be applied to a range of image editing software from professional packages to ‘freeware’.
Certifies best practice in basic digital image editing.
Provides a solid grounding in working with digital images.
Developed with input from computer users, subject matter experts, and practising computer professionals
from all over the world. This process ensures the relevance and range of module content.